Unicorn Goddess Saraswati

Unicorn Goddess Saraswati is an ancient Hindu Goddess, first mentioned in the Rig Veda, which is very very very old. Saraswati means, “One who leads to the essence of self knowledge.” She is the Goddess of wisdom, of knowledge, of arts, music, rhetoric, of melody, of language and of eloquence, and from whom the purifying waters flow forth and cleanse everything. She is shown holding an instrument called Saraswati Veena, a type of lute, which is named after her. The instrument means minds and intellect and symbolizes the mental tuning that is required to be in her presence. She has with her a swan, who is her vehicle. Swans are said to have a sensitive beak and can tell good milk from bad. Her swan symbolizes that knowledge for knowledge’s sake isn’t the answer, but instead, knowledge that is pure is for the good of mankind but knowledge that is driven by the ego can destroy the world.

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