Unicorn Goddess Nut

The Unicron Goddess Nut is an Egyptian Goddess. You can download her for free HERE!

She is the Goddess of the Heavens, the Stars and Planets. She was pictured on tomb walls and even on the insides of the sarcophagi lids as a beautiful woman, arching over and covered in stars, protecting and nourishing everyone underneath her. She was known as She Who Bore All Of The Gods for she was the mother of Osiris, Isis, Nepthys, and Set with her consort, Geb, the Earth. She was also known as The Keeper of A Thousand Souls for she was also the protector of everyone who died. All of the souls of the dead would take refuge in her body until they would be resurrected.

Her symbol was that of a water pot, which also made up part the hieroglyph for her name. The water pot symbolized the waters of life and the fertility of the heavens to create life. It was also synonymous with the womb. Nut, as the night sky, was thought to swallow the Sun God Ra every night and in the morning, he was born as a new baby with the rising of the sun.

In this image we see Unicorn Goddess Nut arching over in her classic style, covered with the beautiful stars of the night sky. She has beautiful boots made of Egyptian Waterlilies, and ankh, the symbol for life, and her name in hieroglyphs which is spelled, Nwt. Underneath her is her water pot with the Solar Disk painted on it. The Waters of Life are flowing forth and swirling into a spiral, symbolizing the eternal return, the constant ebb and flow of the creation and destruction and creation of life.

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