Unicron Goddess Demeter

Unicorn Goddess Demeter is the Greek Goddess of grain and harvest, of the seasons and is also an ancient mother goddess. You can download and color Unicorn Goddess Demeter by clicking on her name.

Like many of the Unicorn Goddesses featured on Unicorn Coloring Club, Unicorn Goddess Demeter is a much more anicent goddess than what we think of her today. She is best known to us for the Greek myth about her and her daughter Persephone, who is kidnapped by Hades and is forced to be in the underworld as his captive. Demeter is so distraught she does nothing but look for her daughter day in and day out. In her despair, she neglects to keep the world alive and all of the vegetation dies, causing the first winter. The God’s decide this has gone far enough and with the help of Mercury, Demeter finds her daughter and Hades relents to let her leave. But, because Persephone had eaten a few pomegranite seeds in the Underworld, she has to return once a year to live with her Husband in Hades and while she is gone, Demeter goes into mourning and the Earth dives into winter once again.

However, Demeter’s name can be traced back to Proto Indo-European, where “méh ter” means “mother.” Clearly she has been around a long time and her gifts and attributes to being the source of life on Earth definitely supports that. So here she is, in all of her Unicorn Goddess glory. She carries with her a sheaf of wheat and is adorned with beautiful poppies, the flowers used in the Eleusinian mysteries that Demeter was the patron goddess of.

Unicorn Goddess Iris

Unicorn Goddess Iris is the Greek Goddess of the Rainbow. Her long flowing locks become the rainbow itself and she is a beautiful unicorn maiden with wings. She wears Greek style sandals and carries the staff of the messenger, because not only was she in charge of creating rainbows after a storm, but she was also Hera’s personal messenger. Hera, Zeus’ wife, was always mad at Zeus for some transgression or another so I can only imagine what being her messenger must have been like! Probably not the most fun job in the cosmos. But, at least she was able to take joy in Rainbow creation.

You can download Unicorn Goddess Iris here and color her in all of her rainbow glory. Be sure to send me what you colored and I’ll post it on Instagram at @unicorncoloringclub

Unicorn Goddess Hel

Unicorn Goddess Hel is the Nordic Goddess of the Underworld. She is the daughter of Loki and the Giantess Angrboda and she is also sister to Fenrir, the giant wolf, and Jormungand, the world serpent. She is half white and half black, half alive and half dead. I gave her the symbols of Scorpio as well to honor the time of year that we devote to our dead in our culture. Her scythe is also a magical staff and the pole is in the shape of the scorpion itself. At the end of the staff there are two jewels, a sphere for telling the future and a gem for purification. It’s symbolism to acknowledge that we must all turn inward and examine ourselves in full, both the light and the dark, the brightness and our shadows to have a true transformation and true growth.

Download Unicorn Goddess Hel for free! I would love to see how you color her in so don’t forget to tag me on Instagram @Unicorncoloringclub

Unicorn Goddess Nut

The Unicron Goddess Nut is an Egyptian Goddess. You can download her for free HERE!

She is the Goddess of the Heavens, the Stars and Planets. She was pictured on tomb walls and even on the insides of the sarcophagi lids as a beautiful woman, arching over and covered in stars, protecting and nourishing everyone underneath her. She was known as She Who Bore All Of The Gods for she was the mother of Osiris, Isis, Nepthys, and Set with her consort, Geb, the Earth. She was also known as The Keeper of A Thousand Souls for she was also the protector of everyone who died. All of the souls of the dead would take refuge in her body until they would be resurrected.

Her symbol was that of a water pot, which also made up part the hieroglyph for her name. The water pot symbolized the waters of life and the fertility of the heavens to create life. It was also synonymous with the womb. Nut, as the night sky, was thought to swallow the Sun God Ra every night and in the morning, he was born as a new baby with the rising of the sun.

In this image we see Unicorn Goddess Nut arching over in her classic style, covered with the beautiful stars of the night sky. She has beautiful boots made of Egyptian Waterlilies, and ankh, the symbol for life, and her name in hieroglyphs which is spelled, Nwt. Underneath her is her water pot with the Solar Disk painted on it. The Waters of Life are flowing forth and swirling into a spiral, symbolizing the eternal return, the constant ebb and flow of the creation and destruction and creation of life.

Unicorn Goddess Kali

Download Unicorn Goddess Kali HERE to color for your very own!


Unicorn Goddess Kali is known as the Great Mother and Mother of the Universe. She is worshipped as the ultimate reality, or Brahman. She is the destroyer of evil forces and the great liberator, which is why she sometimes looks a little scary because it requires a lot of attitude and awesomeness to truly cut the ties of attachment. She is the divine protector, and she is one with Nature as her name means “the force of time.”

She holds a saber, or sword in one hand and a yarn doll head in another. This represents metaphorically her abilities to tap into the truth of the body and cut off the overly analytical ego mind that doesn’t allow things to just Be. She is standing on her consort, Shiva, the great destroyer of evil. They are aspects of the same primordial force and they love each other very much. He allowed her to step on him both to receive her blessings, but also to calm her down from a fury.


Unicorn Goddess Freya


The gorgeous, the beautiful, the flirtatious, Unicorn Goddess Freya and you can download her HERE and color one of your very own.

Unicorn Goddess Freya is a Goddess of the Norse mythologies. She is also sometimes called Frigg as well and while some may say that Frigg is in fact a different goddess, they share too many attributes as well as actual etymology to be truly dissimilar.

Freya is a member of the Venir Gods but when she marries Odin, she joins the Aesir group and becomes an honorary member after the Aesir-Vanir War. She is known as a fertility goddess, a goddess of love, of witchcraft, of protection, her fondness for material and pretty things and is more or less the party girl of the Gods and Goddesses.

She has a magical necklace she wears all the time, a torque called Brísingamen. She has a cloak made out of hawk feather wings that allow her to shapeshift into anything she wants. She rides around in style on a chariot that’s drawn by her two faithful felines. Her hair is made out of spun Dwarf gold so it’s always perfect, shiny and in exquisite curls.



Unicorn Goddess Eris Discordia

Unicorn Goddess Eris  (click on her name to download her coloring page for free!) is the Goddess of Strife and Chaos. That sounds pretty gnarly, and perhaps in one regard it may be, but read on.

In ancient Greece she was regarded as capricious, acting on whims that weren’t always well-intentioned and sometimes downright cruel. To be sure, she has a nasty side, but if you were in charge of the primordial void that everything comes from and everything returns to perhaps some of the things you would do aren’t understood by our puny human minds. Just sayin’.

One of my favorite stories of her from Greek mythology is the story of Eris and the Golden Apple. She had been snubbed an invitation to the wedding of Thetus and Peleus because of her trouble-making inclinations. Clearly, she wasn’t going to take that sitting down so she went anyway. In the middle of the celebrating, she tossed a golden apple between several of the goddesses with the word “kalliste” (or “the most beautiful one” in Greek) written on it. It landed between Hera, Aphrodite and Athena and they instantly started squabbling about which of them deserved the apple. Discordia stepped in to try and settle the conflict by passing the judging off to Zues, who wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole and selected poor Paris to be the judge. Hera offered him political power if he chose her, Athena offered him eternal wisdom and Aphrodite offered him the hand of the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen. Oh, and they all stripped down naked for him to really judge which one is the fairest of them all.

Paris, not too bright obviously, chose to give the apple to Aphrodite. He set in motion the events that would bring his city to ruin and cost hundreds of thousands of lives, the Trojan War.

Discordia also became the patron goddess of Discordianism, a modern religion founded in the 1950s that used her as a foil of Western philosophy to constantly create order out of chaos.

A quote from the Principia Discordia, the first holy book of Discordianism, attempts to clear up the matter:

One day Mal-2 consulted his Pineal Gland and asked Eris if She really created all of those terrible things. She told him that She had always liked the Old Greeks, but that they cannot be trusted with historic matters. “They were,” She added, “victims of indigestion, you know.

She is chaos, the substance from which artists and poets congeal their creations.

In my version, Unicron Goddess Eris Discordia holds the golden apple of chaos with the letter “K” for Kalliste. She definitely has a mischievous smile on her face and her posture shows some attitude. Around her neck she wears the symbol of Chaos, an occult symbol as well as the symbol used for the Eight of Wands in Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot. Her waving mane contains the known universe as she is always just outside of the realm of Being and her locks morph into tentacles, because well, she is a creature of the great primordial depths beyond time.

Enjoy coloring Unicorn Goddess Eris!

Unicorn Goddess Pele

Unicorn Goddess Pele is ready for download here -> Pele

Pele is the Hawaiian Goddess of the great Volcanoes. She is known to be capricious, feisty and passionate, everything you would expect from a Volcano goddess!

Download her for free and color away. I would love to see what you come up with! Post your own colored version of Pele in the comments 🙂

Unicorn Goddess Hekate

Hekate is ready to download!


Hekate is an ancient Goddess probably originating from Greece. I say probably because she may have been brought over from Egypt or somewhere else. She’s just been around a very very long time so it’s hard to trace her origins.

Hekate is the Goddess of the crossroads, borders, city walls and by association, everything in the realm of the outside even the outside of human existence. She occupied the “between” places, like the places between the living and dead, the sacred and the profane, the body and the spirit. She is also the Goddess of light, magic, darkness, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs, poisonous plants and ghosts. She was also a Mother Goddess, often caring for those in labor.

Her familiar is a little black dog, who originally was Queen Hekabe. She lept into the sea after the fall of Troy and Hekate, taking pity on her, transformed her into her companion. You can see her little black dog in the coloring page.

Hekate is also a triple Goddess. That means that she represnts the moon in its various phases, new, full and waxing/waning. That is often represented as a young maiden, a warrior queen/mother, and an old woman or crone. I gave Unicorn Goddess Hekate this triple aspect along with a beautiful full moon shining behind her.

Hekate is the light bringer and is often represented as carrying a torch, as I have drawn her here in this coloring page too. Even though she is often in the spaces between realms, she brings illumination and clarity during the times when it is needed the most. May she shine light for you when you need it as well.

Unicorn Goddess Saraswati

Unicorn Goddess Saraswati is an ancient Hindu Goddess, first mentioned in the Rig Veda, which is very very very old. Saraswati means, “One who leads to the essence of self knowledge.” She is the Goddess of wisdom, of knowledge, of arts, music, rhetoric, of melody, of language and of eloquence, and from whom the purifying waters flow forth and cleanse everything. She is shown holding an instrument called Saraswati Veena, a type of lute, which is named after her. The instrument means minds and intellect and symbolizes the mental tuning that is required to be in her presence. She has with her a swan, who is her vehicle. Swans are said to have a sensitive beak and can tell good milk from bad. Her swan symbolizes that knowledge for knowledge’s sake isn’t the answer, but instead, knowledge that is pure is for the good of mankind but knowledge that is driven by the ego can destroy the world.

If you would like to color your own Unicorn Goddess Saraswati, click here!