Unicorn Goddess Kali

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Unicorn Goddess Kali is known as the Great Mother and Mother of the Universe. She is worshipped as the ultimate reality, or Brahman. She is the destroyer of evil forces and the great liberator, which is why she sometimes looks a little scary because it requires a lot of attitude and awesomeness to truly cut the ties of attachment. She is the divine protector, and she is one with Nature as her name means “the force of time.”

She holds a saber, or sword in one hand and a yarn doll head in another. This represents metaphorically her abilities to tap into the truth of the body and cut off the overly analytical ego mind that doesn’t allow things to just Be. She is standing on her consort, Shiva, the great destroyer of evil. They are aspects of the same primordial force and they love each other very much. He allowed her to step on him both to receive her blessings, but also to calm her down from a fury.